When it comes to wellbeing events and resources at UBC, maybe most of you (like me) think of “the usual suspects” like Counselling Services, Empower Me, Student Health Service, or the Wellness Centre. But did you know that Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) offers some excellent Health & Wellness events under the umbrella of Professional Development?
Details and registration links for the following can all be found at this link (expand the “Events” menu). Register soon—they fill up!
Panic to Power: Build Your Confidence
“If your stress or nervousness is getting in your way, this workshop will offer useful information and effective coping strategies to turn your unease into motivated, productive energy that will help you approach your goals with increased comfort and confidence.”
Thu, September 10, 2020 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Fri, September 25, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Feeling Stuck or Unsure
“Bring your questions and get resources that will help you take action towards your goals.”
Thu, October 1, 2020 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Time Management
“This energetic, intensive one-day course will sharpen your professional time management skills and optimize your working week. Building on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) best practices, methodologies, and productivity tactics, the workshop provides tools and techniques that can be applied to a partner industry project or employment-based role.”
29 October 2020 – 9:00am *I’ve heard that registration fills up early.*
Overcoming Perfectionism
“We live in a culture that emphasizes being perfect as a virtue in everything from body image to relationships to career achievements. The problem is that life and being human, in spite of our best efforts, is messier than this. Having high standards is one thing, but taking a perfectionistic approach to life can actually get in the way of your success.”
3 November 2020 – 10:00am *I’ve heard that registration fills up early.*
Adapting to COVID-19: Developing a Work/School/Life Balance During Graduate Studies
This webinar on Wed July 22, 2020 was delivered by Dr. Karen Flood—who provides counselling to UBC students at both the Point Grey and Women and Children’s Hospital campuses—along with Levonne Abshire (UBC Wellness Centre/Health Promotion & Education) and Samantha McGee (pre-doctoral intern and graduate student). The recording is available at the link above.
If you’re looking for more active options, UBC Recreation is running Virtual Fitness Classes (yoga! Barre fusion!) and Instagram Live movement breaks.
As always, if you have feedback, questions, or suggestions related to wellbeing in the Faculty of Medicine, please email me: karen.ross@ubc.ca