Are you interested in improving supervisory relationships in the Faculty of Medicine? Curious about how creative formats could be used to spark discussion – beyond the same old workshops and webinars? Help me pilot an online, theatre-based dialogue resource, Rock the Boat, that seeks to explore complex issues around graduate supervision.
Rock the Boat was co-developed by Drs. Susan Cox and Michael Lee (UBC faculty members in Medicine) plus a team of student, staff, and faculty collaborators from across UBC. I [Karen Ross, Grad & Postdoc Wellbeing Support Coordinator] will be running a few sessions of their new online workshop to gain additional feedback from students/postdocs. I’m looking for volunteers who can participate in a 1-hour virtual pilot session during the week of March 15-19. I hope it will be an engaging and interesting experience, plus a chance to give feedback on a resource that we can hopefully use to stimulate dialogue around supervision in our Faculty.
The first version of this research-based theatre project, Don’t Rock the Boat, was piloted in 2019 as a series of live-theatre scenes followed by facilitated discussions that explore supervisory relationships in graduate school and their relation to student wellbeing. Given the major shift to online content and training, the team has now adapted their scenes into a video version and online facilitated discussion. They’ve also renamed it Rock the Boat rather than Don’t Rock the Boat to better reflect the spirit of questioning, challenge, and disruption that are necessary to change.
As a participant in a pilot session, you would engage in a small-group discussion for around 45 minutes after watching an 8-minute dramatized scene. I will act as the facilitator for the discussion, and afterwards will circulate a short survey re: your experience and reflections on the scene and the video (this survey data will be shared with the developers). I will also welcome your feedback re: how/whether you could see this resource as valuable for uptake in our faculty.
If you’re interested, please email me at and let me know which of these sessions you could attend:
Monday March 15, 4-5pm
Wednesday March 17, 12-1pm
Friday March 19, 10-11am
I will send you the necessary Zoom link for the date you chose. You don’t have to prepare anything in advance, just show up ready to participate! Feel free to reach out with any questions.